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Rigenera Forever Young

Prevent skin aging and rejuvenate your face and neck

The first signs of facial sagging can appear between the ages of 35 and 45.

The secret is not to wait for them to get worse but to take action immediately, avoiding continuous filling treatments that will only weigh down your face over time instead of keeping it young.

The FOREVER YOUNG face and neck rejuvenation protocol is based on two very simple concepts:

1) The appearance of our skin is the most important aesthetic feature of our face, and we can drastically improve it by following a few precise biological concepts.

2) Each of us possesses the fundamental elements within us to not only stimulate our skin, but to… REGENERATE it!

We can thus achieve a truly surprising rejuvenation of our face in a few months, using non-invasive techniques that offer very natural and stable results over time.

If you have 3 minutes, see what happens during the treatment…

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60 minutes
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What does the treatment involve?

The protocol involves three possible successive phases, each approximately two months apart:

1st phase: Evening out and regenerating the skin

Using my exclusive “Rigenera Forever Young” method, I combine the beneficial effects of lasers and micro-needling in a single mesotherapy treatment, implanting Rigenera dermal micro-grafts that can regenerate new blood vessels, new elastin, and new collagen.

Eliminate blemishes, fine wrinkles, and loss of skin tone with an outpatient treatment that takes approximately 45 minutes and leaves no visible surgical incisions.


2nd phase, two months after the 1st phase: Regenerative lipofilling

If the patient complains of sunken cheeks and dark circles under their eyes, when the skin regeneration is already fully in progress and the skin seems to have regained its youthful color and freshness, I perform a particular type of lipofilling. I do this using adipose tissue from the same patient, which is rich in stem cells and particularly suitable for restoring (not increasing!) cheek volume and getting rid of under-eye circles. This is likewise an outpatient procedure that is done under local anaestheticand takes just over an hour. It gives a very natural feeling of support and fullness in the face, without resulting in that ridiculous “rubber dinghy” look we see far too often today.


3rd phase, two months after the second phase: Suspension threads

In the case of patients whose jawline is receding and whose cheeks are beginning to sag, I place two or three absorbable suspension threads on each side. As always, this is done on an outpatient basis, under local anaesthetic; it takes half an hour and the patient can resume their normal activities straight away afterwards.

In the event that an initial concomitant excess of skin in the cheek region is also observed, I can combine a limited skin reduction with the suspension threads. This is done using a mini-incision made around the earlobe, which can be easily concealed and is virtually unrecognizable after just a couple of weeks.

Want more information?

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